Wednesday, August 19, 2009

潮州人(Teochew People)



潮州人主要分布在广东的汕头、潮州、揭阳(前述地区及今梅州市的大埔、丰順古屬潮州府)以及海外华人聚居地。国内潮人约一千万,海外潮州人约二千到三千万。 另外:

* 广东梅州地区的大埔、丰顺等地旧属潮州,至今丰顺南部的留隍镇、汤南镇仍说潮州话。解放前出生的不少大埔客很有潮州认同感,诸如碧野、邹文怀等人。
* 广东潮汕地区有相当数量的客家人分布(其中揭西县是客家人比较集中的地区)。这些潮客兼具潮州人和客家人的双重属性。不过,从文化、习俗、语言上说,并不属于狭义的潮州人。
* 广东海陆丰(屬汕尾地級市)地区属于广义的潮州地区,但是,当地人常自称海陆丰人,有些潮州人也不將汕尾人視為潮州人,但仍是廣義的潮汕人。在海外,基於互助的需要,汕尾人和狭义的潮州人常團結在一起。


旅居海外的潮州华侨、华人很多,集中最多的地方是泰国曼谷的唐人街,在这里,幾乎处处可通潮州话。潮州話(Tiê-chiu-uē),亦称为潮汕話、潮語,汉语方言之一,為闽南语的次方言,分佈于广东省东部的潮汕地区以及海外有华人的地区。英文称为 Teochew 或者 Chiuchow,是“潮州”两字的音译。潮州话一词受海内外潮汕人普遍认同,因其沿用至今已一千多年,词典、专著等学术性著作均以“潮州话”为准,近年出现“潮汕话”新名称,但部分人(主要是潮州市)反对以“潮汕话”命名,坚持使用“潮州话”名称。

Teochew People
The Teochew diaspora can be found almost anywhere in the world, especially Southeast Asia, North Australia, and France. The diaspora, at least estimated, contains over 10 million people, which is as much as the population of Chaoshan itself. They speak a language closely related to Hokkien, and their Teochew cuisine is distinctive. The ancestors of the Teochew people moved to present-day Chaoshan from the Central Plains of China in order to escape from a series of civil wars during the Jin Dynasty.

Teochew people can be romanised in a variety of schemes, and are known in Mandarin as Chaozhou ren and Cantonese as Chiuchao yan. In referring to themselves as ethnic Chinese, Teochew people generally use Deung nang (唐人; Mandarin: Tangren), literally Tang Dynasty people, as opposed to Hang nang (漢人/汉人; Mandarin: Hanren), which means 'Han Dynasty people'. Teochew people of the diaspora would generally use Hua nang (華人/华人; Mandarin: Huaren) to indicate Chinese heritage in a cultural sense.

Teochew people also commonly refer to each other as ga gi nang (自己人; Mandarin: zijiren) which means 'our own people.

To situate the term into a contemporary sociocultural context, Teochew people in Chaoshan of today refer to themselves as Chaoshan people, rather than Teochew people.

The Chaozhou dialect

The Chaozhou dialect (潮州话), known as Teochew (also Tiuchiu and Teochiu or Teo Chiu oe)) by native speakers, is a Chinese language spoken in parts of eastern Guangdong, and in various Southeast Asian countries where Teochiu migrants have settled. Teochew speakers form one of the largest dialect groups among overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia.
The Chaozhou language, variably spelled Teochiu, Tiuchiu, Tiochiu, or Diojiu, but mostly commonly referred to in English as Teochew, is a dialect of the Southern Min Chinese language, spoken in the Chaoshan (潮汕) region of eastern Guangdong.

Chaozhou is a member of the Southern Min or Min Nan dialect group, which in turn constitutes one of the seven major dialect groups of the Sinitic language family. Like other varieties of Chinese, people have not yet agreed on whether Chaozhou should be treated as a language or a dialect. However, apart from the political perspective of this, from a purely linguistic point of view, Chaozhou (or the Southern Min Language at large) should be a language in its own right since it is mutually unintelligible with other "dialect groups" of China. According to Glossika, Chaozhou has an overall 50.4% of mutual intelligibility with the Xiamen dialect, 44.3% with Mandarin and 43.5% with Cantonese.

Nevertheless, Chaozhou is mutually intelligible with some other Southern Min Languages, notably the dialects of Zhangzhou (漳州) and Quanzhou (泉州) probably because of their proximity. Even within the Chaozhou varieties, there is substantial variation in phonology between different regions of Chaoshan and between different Chaozhou communities overseas.

The Chaozhou languages, in terms of their closeness, can be roughly divided into 3 sub-groups:

1) Chaozhou sub-group, including Chaozhou (潮州), Shantou (汕頭/汕头), Jieyang (揭陽/揭阳), Chenghai (澄海), Nanao (南澳/南澳) and Raoping (饒平/饶平),

2) Chaopu sub-group, including Chaoyang (潮陽/潮阳), Puning (普寧/普宁), Huilai (惠來/惠来), and

3) Hailufeng (海陸丰/海陆丰) sub-group, including Shanwei (汕尾), Lufeng (陸豐/陆丰) and Haifeng (海豐/海丰)

Spoken in: China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia, United States Of America, Canada and other countries where Chaozhou migrants have settled.
Region: in China: eastern Guangdong province including Chaozhou, Shantou, Jieyang, Chaoyang, Puning, Chao'an, Raoping, Huilai, and Shanwei, and the southmost Fujian county of Zhao'an.

Total speakers: About 10 million in Chaoshan. Approximately 2-5 million speakers overseas. (49 million for Min Nan as a group)
Ranking: 21 (Southern Min Language as a group)
Language family: Sino-Tibetan,Chinese Min, Min Nan

(source from youtube)


* 王大宝:宋礼部尚书。支持抗金名将张浚北伐,弹劾抗金败将汪澈,致力稳住抗金局势。宋史有其传。
* 翁万达:明兵部尚书,著名军事家。明史有其传
* 唐伯元:《明史·儒林传》称赞其为“岭海士大夫仪表”
* 林大春:浙江提学佥事,后晋升提学副使,又奉诏预修世庙实录,著浙江人物列传,为吴越人士所景仰。
* 薛侃:世称“中离先生”,明大儒。明史有其传。
* 萧端蒙:明江西巡抚。
* 周光镐:明陕西按察使,平宁夏之乱平定,次年晋都蔡院右佥都御史,任宁夏巡抚。后晋大理寺卿。
* 林大钦:明状元。
* 郭之奇:南明为君国而牺牲的最后一个重臣
* 郑大进:清直隶总督
* 丁日昌:中国清末洋务运动的爱国革新家、又系中国清末四大藏书家之一

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