The blog is for people with the surnames Xiao,Siao, Hsiao, Siew, Siu, Seow, and Siow; who are the descendants of the same Xiao family from ancient China. This is especially for those from Penang,and even other places.
Friday, January 25, 2013
漳洲狀元蕭國梁 狀元國梁公字廷之, 漳洲派始祖. 南宋乾道二年丙戌( 公元一一六五 )進士第一, 初授著作郎, 歷龍圖閣侍講學士, 卒於漳, 墓在郡治官路旁,事蹟見漳洲龍溪二誌. 夫人王氏, 子一, 煜.字道隆, 號霞山, 宋光宗紹熙元年( 公元一一九) 庚戌進士, 累官朝請大夫,左司郎中, 夫子朱世,子二, 淮, 洵 .--洵字仲川, 宋理宗端十二年( 公元一二三五 ), 以明經授潮陽縣之事, 有善政, 愛其山水秀力麗民物富庶, 逐卜於縣治之南橋( 今塗庫內 ), 潮地, 二始栮也, 子一, 昭元. 四世昭元, 隱德不仕, 葬福建紹安縣分水關, 其形名曰烏鴉落陽. 洵公休官後久居潮陽, 遣昭元公回漳省舊, 道經分水關, 宿於客舍, 慕主人葉公之女賢淑, 為贅婿, 不敢歸告堂上. 生有三子, 規具ˋ植, 後病卒葬於舍後, 即烏鴉落陽其地也. 洵公久待無音訊, 親回漳一探究竟; 亦經分水關宿客舍, 為雨所困, 見舍中三兒嬉戲, 貌肖昭元公, 一兒出散扇玩弄, 視之二扇面有洵公題詩, 乃昭元公舊物, 因持詢王人葉公, 始知真象. 葉公謂: 舍原為鍾公業, 鍾公無男, 亦彼贅於鍾氏. 洵公因攜長孫規歸潮, 留仲蓀嗣葉, 季孫嗣鍾. 後紹安之葉氏鍾氏亦繁衍, 而潮閔兩地三姓不通婚, 蓋同血胤也云云. 五世規, 宋解元, 進士, 歷容州文學. 子二, 冠, 禦疾. 冠無嗣.六世禦疾, 宋舉人, 任官海陽縣王簿, 歷巡海憲僉. 少帝舵海,劾忠勤王, 殉節
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Hsiao Bi-khim(蕭美琴)
蕭美琴(英文:Hsiao Bi-khim,1971年8月7日-),臺灣政治人物,台美混血兒,民主進步黨籍,第五至六屆中華民國立法委員,現任立法院第八屆立法委員、新境界文教基金會(民主進步黨智庫)副執行長、花蓮縣日安花蓮協會理事長。
父親蕭清芬是臺南人,前台南神學院院長。母親是美國人,出生於日本,成長於臺南,美國歐柏林學院(Oberlin College)東亞研究學士,哥倫比亞大學政治學碩士。2010年民進黨徵召投入花蓮縣立委補選[1]。2012年中華民國立法委員選舉代表民主進步黨名列全國不分區第七名。
Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) born August 7, 1971 in Kobe, Japan, is a Taiwanese political figure associated with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), serving in the past as a legislator,[1] as well as an important figure in DPP foreign policy circles.[2] She is also a Vice President of Liberal International (source: wikipedia) 蕭美琴部落格,
Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) born August 7, 1971 in Kobe, Japan, is a Taiwanese political figure associated with the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), serving in the past as a legislator,[1] as well as an important figure in DPP foreign policy circles.[2] She is also a Vice President of Liberal International (source: wikipedia) 蕭美琴部落格,
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